IT Services and SupportWhen most people hear the term “marketing,” they usually think about paid advertising. But the internet presents so many other ways to tell the product about your company and its offerings. And, marketing is much more than just paid advertising. This post will detail some low or no cost tactics for your online guerilla marketing success.

Press Releases

A well-written press release can be distributed to local media outlets and online resources such as Press releases should be sent to local newspapers, magazines, radio, and TV stations. Also, post your press releases online on your website and any social media pages you have. If no more than one person sees your press release and purchases goods or services from your company you are ahead, except for the time you spent on creation and distribution. Many businesses choose to use an outside writing service for these time-consuming tasks.

Treat Your Customers with Affection

Normand Coulombe, BDC Business Consultant in marketing advises that it five times more expensive to find a new customer or client than it is to keep one. So, as you embark on your new marketing campaign don’t forget your existing customer base. One tip a retailer tells about is that she includes a short handwritten note in an order along with a small gift. It only adds a few cents to the overall order cost, but customers love the idea a survey she conducted showed. And speaking of surveys…

Have Your Business Conduct a Survey

Surveys are a terrific way to learn more about your customer base and then use the knowledge to help in planning a marketing campaign. You can post the survey as a fill-in form on your website or email it to your customer base – or, why not do both? SurveyMonkey is a good tool for creating surveys for free.

Trade Shows

Taking a booth at a trade show is expensive, attending one with a good supply of business cards and brochures is not. If you go to a show to market to folks you don’t know, try to be inconspicuous. People who rent booths can get testy if you use their table as a place to talk with a prospect and give them your information. Keep copious notes about people you promised to follow up with and do within a business week of the trade show or convention close.

Provide Exemplary Customer Service

In today’s very impersonal world, many consumers are vocal about the importance of customer service and changing retailers and service providers when the customer service is below their expectations. Instill in them the importance of smiling at every customer, even phone operators should be instructed to smile when talking to a customer or a potential customer – the customer can hear that smile over the phone and find it welcoming. This leads to higher marks in customer service. Employees need to understand that their job is to make the customer experience as enjoyable as possible. One bad customer experience write up on Yelp* can ruin all the gains you make in your marketing progress.

Speaking in Public

You should join at least one community organization such as the Rotary Club or the Knights of Columbus. Speaking at organizations like these helps promote your business and make important networking contacts. A realtor may get a referral from a member of the group concerning a friend who wants to sell his home, for example.

Online marketing can be a hassle. But, there are affordable companies that will partner with you and take care of your marketing needs on a budget your business can afford. ComputerHelpLA is the trusted choice when it comes to staying ahead of the latest information technology tips, tricks, and news. Contact us at (310) 893-0878 or send us an email at for more information.

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