Why I No Longer Charge My Mobile Phone Overnight and Why You Shouldn’t Either

I just read this warning: “Don’t overcharge your mobile phone. Make sure you unplug it from the charger after it reaches 100%. Don’t leave it ch

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Billions of Computer Devices Won’t Get Intel’s Spectre Fix

17 Product Groups Named-Their Production Halted and Update Support Ended After Irrefutable Evidence Uncovered Flaw in Intel Chips. The information ab

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Is Facebook Spying for the Government?

Social media is big business and has the potential to drive millions of visitors to websites, engage directly with customers on a public platform, and

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Want To “WOW” Your Boss With Professional Diagrams And Flowcharts?

I Have Some Tips For You. I often get asked by my boss to take the data she accumulates and put it into easy-to-read diagrams and charts. I was using

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IT Helps Dementia Patients

Dementia and Alzheimer’s are scary for both patients and caregivers. Right now, there is no cure. Scientists are trying to find ways of prolonging p

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The Latest Expansions To Microsoft Office 365 Will WOW You!

The wildly popular subscription-based Microsoft Office 365 offers an ever-expanding application gallery. The latest additions to the line-up are sure

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Must-Know SEO: Info Secrets to Maximizing Your Website’s Google Search Ranking

  Google is the number-one search engine. It’s the one people go to when they have a question they need to be answered or are looking for a busines

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Hold on to Your Credit Cards… Alexa’s On a Shopping Spree!

I love my Alexa. I don’t know what I’d do without it. Last year I decided to set it up for voice shopping. That way, when I come home from work, I

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