Studies conducted by CareerBuilder Harris Poll in the US showed that at least 22 minutes a day are wasted by an average worker dealing with IT-related issues. According to the poll, the leading cause of time wasted in the workplace is related to cell phone use, which ranked the highest at 50%, gossip which followed at 42%, and closely behind was internet use at 39%. This article will briefly outline how companies can work through IT issues so that they can save on time. And time is money.

Computer Help Desk

How Much Time Is 22 minutes Really?

Going by the average time in a 40-hour workweek, 22 minutes a day is close to two hours of work time lost each week. Imagine what that equals for a full year or 52 weeks. It comes out to be over 95 hours per year. When translated into days, that is close to two weeks spent dealing with IT-related problems.

What Are These IT Issues At The Work Place?

Some of the IT-related issues are technical in nature and they include:

  • Software malfunctions
  • Freezing computers
  • Scanner or printer issues
  • Old computer systems
  • Annoying pop-ups
  • Internet traffic delays

These are just a few of the issues that cause frustration for employees. If not handled well, they can lead to time wasted and low productivity, not to mention grumpy employees.

What Is The Solution To The IT-Related Problems?

Companies should have a help desk where employees can go and report IT issues as soon as they occur so that they can be resolved in the earliest instance. This is to ensure that a problem is resolved before it escalates, thus saving time for everyone.

Apart from fixing the problem, IT staff should be encouraged by the employer to share tips on preventive measures to similar problems to avoid them from recurring. Educating employees is always a good idea. It’s cost-effective and just makes sense.

Companies should also invest in modern technical equipment. This way, computer systems, and networks are easier to maintain, less problematic, and also ensure efficient work delivery.  Companies should confirm that the IT staff is well skilled. Hire trainers or allow employees to enroll in various training programs so they can learn all about the changing trends in technology.

Technology is meant to save time and make work more efficient, but when it decides to act up, it can actually cause headaches. Lack of knowledge is another major cause of employees wasting too much time on simple things that can be avoided in the first place. Whoever provides your IT services should have an in-house department or a third-party firm hired to conduct regular training for employees. They should be performing regular maintenance and upgrades to all systems. Training the employees regularly or after installing a new system can make a big difference when it comes to saving time-related to IT issues.

Training employees might not be the first solution a company thinks of but it’s often the most cost-effective way to avoid wasting valuable time. Of course, it can help to hire savvy employees with proficient computer skills. But even if they know how to fix common IT issues, you don’t want a bunch of amateurs working on your valuable software and hardware systems. When the same IT guy does all your upgrades and maintenance, he becomes familiar with your business. This is where you’ll get the best return on your IT investment.

The IT department in an organization should ensure that regular updates are installed to prevent cyber-attacks. Outdated software can malfunction, thus slowing down work efficiency and delivery. This is also a major gateway for cyber thieves to enter your system and take it down.

Wrap Up

The best way to resolve IT-related issues is to treat the problem as a team effort. The stakeholders, such as heads of departments, should be well aware of the necessary steps to be taken to protect your data and keep all systems running smoothly.

The secret to avoiding costly IT errors is to detect an issue and have it attended to as soon as possible, so it doesn’t grow into a bigger problem. Communication is also very important. Make sure employees are aware of how to handle IT problems. Teach them to report these issues right away. Help them do their jobs better with good cybersecurity training. At the end of it all, employee productivity is the ultimate goal. This will improve your bottom line and make sure your staff is happy and productive.

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