Ensure your data is always protected and clients’ information is kept totally secure with HIPAA compliance checks from ComputerHelpLA.

When you’re working in or running a practice, you have several responsibilities; not only do you need to provide the absolute best level of care possible for your patients, but you also need to ensure their confidential data is always protected.

  • Maintaining compliance is no joke; failing to meet industry-set regulations leads to hefty financial penalties and a reputation that you don’t want following your practice around.

Contact ComputerHelpLA at info@computerhelpla.com or (310) 893-0878 to learn more about our HIPAA compliance checks and how to keep your practice secure.

With ComputerHelpLA you get regular compliance checks and several layers of protection to ensure you’re always keeping data protected. EHRs and PHI need to remain confidential, and we guarantee they’re always kept safe.

  • With proactive services like firewalls, spam filtering and antimalware solutions, your network is kept safe from malicious intruders. You have peace of mind knowing your data is protected allowing you to stop worrying about security and focus on providing the best care possible.
  • Regular checks ensure you’re always maintaining compliance; when something is wrong, we fix the issue right away.
  • Email security ensures your data is always protected when its in transit, so records and documents remain secure at all times.
  • Business continuity planning gives your practice its best odds for safety. With all of your files and applications backed up, you know your patients’ information is always secure – even in the face of hardware issues or a natural disaster, you have the access to the data you need to function.

Don’t take a gamble when it comes to your livelihood; protect your business and your patients’ confidentiality with HIPAA compliance checks from ComputerHelpLA.

Contact us at info@computerhelpla.com or (310) 893-0878.


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